Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope se publicó el pasado 20 de octubre, en exclusiva para Nintendo Switch. For more on Mario + Rabbids, check out our interview with the developers to learn about their journey from Kingdom Battle to Sparks of Hope. Como decíamos al principio, el segundo y el tercer DLC se podrán comprar de forma independiente, pero The Tower of Doooom solo estará disponible en el pase de temporada, que tendrá un precio de treinta euros. Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope launches on October 20 exclusively on Nintendo Switch. The DLC featuring Rayman will be available for standalone purchase or as part of the Season Pass, which is included in the Gold Edition. 20, 2022, Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope is already looking to build off the base game with future post-launch crossover content. The new gameplay also showcases the wild possibilities that the Sparks can provide during combat by lending Heroes their elemental powers, as well as many of the different moves, combos, and actions players have at their disposal. To do so, they will take down mischievous Rabbid enemies and face off in a boss battle against a massive Wiggler, who is enraged and infected by Cursa's dark influence. In this new gameplay video, Mario and his friends fight to save the vibrant planet Terra Flora from the mysterious villain, Cursa. In addition to this post-launch announcement, a gameplay video for the game's main adventure gave us a first look at a new planet and boss, which you can check out here:

As a new playable character in the upcoming DLC, Rayman will join forces with Rabbid Peach and Rabbid Mario.

A new teaser video for Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope debuted at Ubisoft Forward, revealing that Rayman will reunite with the Rabbids and star in the game's third DLC expansion.